Swiss chard and spinaches are greens that I eat only sporadically, as they contain oxalic acid (that binds with calcium and eliminates it from the body). At the market the swiss chard looked delicious so this was a good occasion to break the rule.
Bright green rolls:
-1 cup cannellini beans
-300 grm swiss chard
-1 grated carrot
-1 clove of garlic
- shoyu or tamari
The nigh before- soak 1 cup of cannellini beans. The day after boil them till tender.
Bring a large stockpot of water to the boil, when the water boils drop the chard and cover the pot, cook till bright green, don't over boil. Drain the leaves and dry them. Save the larger leaves and chop up finely the smaller leaves.
Heat up 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, and a crushed garlic till golden brown, add 1 crunched dried chillie (or flakes). Stir in the grated carrots and the finely chopped chard and stir fry till tender but still crunchy. Add the beans and stir. Add few drops of shoyu and cook for another minute.
Spoon over the leaves that were left aside and roll over.